Takeaways and additional resources from Navendu's session on 'Non-Code Contributions to Open-Source' .

Have questions? Comment below or reach out to me at @sudo_navendu .

You can also checkout this Twitter thread for a quick summary of my talk.



Key Takeaways

Why Contribute to Open-Source?

  1. Open-source is gaining traction and is the new norm
  2. Companies are hiring people with open-source skills and experience
  3. Build your skills, resume and your network
  4. Be part of a community, get mentorship or contribute to projects you use

Why Non-Code Contributions?

  1. Has huge impact
  2. You are skilled in non-code ways
  3. Stepping stone to contributing code

How to Make Non-Code Contributions?

You can engage in:

  1. Writing
  2. Designing
  3. Testing/Using
  4. Mentoring
  5. Community Managing/Organising

Learn more about non-code contributions here: How to Make Non-Code Contributions to Open-Source Projects .